HMC Capital (ASX: HMC) is an ASX‑listed alternative asset manager which invests in high conviction and scalable real asset strategies on behalf of individuals, large institutions and super funds.

HMC’s strategy is to become Australia’s alternative asset manager of the future with scalable growth platforms across real estate, private equity, infrastructure and credit.


HMC is led by the same management team which acquired and successfully repurposed the former Masters portfolio from Woolworths in 2017. The management team and board are strongly aligned with shareholders via their significant stake in the business.


HMC has significantly outperformed the S&P/ASX 200 Index and the S&P/ASX  200 A-REIT Index since listing in October 2019 and has successfully transitioned to a capital light funds management model with enhanced earnings leverage and growth potential.


HMC currently manages $12.6+ billion of external AUM via its funds and is on track and capitalised to grow external AUM to $20bn+ by 2024.

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Our Track Record

HMC Capital (ASX: HMC) has significantly outperformed the S&P/ASX 200 Index and the S&P/ASX 200 A-REIT Index since listing in October 2019.

The Team


Chris Saxon

Chris Saxon


David Di Pilla

David Di Pilla

Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer

Zac Fried

Zac Fried

Non-Executive Director

Brendon Gale

Brendon Gale

Non-Executive Director

Greg Hayes

Greg Hayes

Non-Executive Director

The Hon. Kelly O'Dwyer

The Hon. Kelly O'Dwyer

Non-Executive Director

Susan Roberts

Susan Roberts

Non-Executive Director

Management Team

David Di Pilla

David Di Pilla

Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer

Matt Lancaster

Matt Lancaster

Chair of HMC Capital Private Credit Platform

Sid Sharma

Sid Sharma

Managing Director, Real Estate

Victoria Hardie

Victoria Hardie

Head of Private Equity

Angela Karl

Angela Karl

Managing Director, Head of Energy Transition

Misha Mohl

Misha Mohl

Group Head of Strategy and Investor Relations

Andrew Selim

Andrew Selim

Group General Counsel and Company Secretary

Sandra Francis

Sandra Francis

Group Head of Human Resources

Our Commitment

As an owner, developer and manager of long duration assets we are committed to sustainable practices that drive long term value creation and achieve a positive impact on the communities in which we operate.

Find out more about our commitment to sustainability

Latest News & Insights

HMC Capital Full Year FY24 Results
ASX Announcement HMC Capital Partners Fund

HMC Capital Full Year FY24 Results

HomeCo Daily Needs REIT (ASX: HDN) today released its full year FY24 results
ASX Announcement HMC Capital Partners Fund HomeCo Daily Needs REIT Real Estate

HomeCo Daily Needs REIT (ASX: HDN) today released its full year FY24 results

HealthCo Healthcare & Wellness REIT (ASX: HCW) today released its full year FY24 results
ASX Announcement HealthCo Healthcare & Wellness REIT HMC Capital Partners Fund Real Estate

HealthCo Healthcare & Wellness REIT (ASX: HCW) today released its full year FY24 results

HMC Capital Announces Seed Investment for Energy Transition Platform
HMC Capital Partners Fund Energy Transition

HMC Capital Announces Seed Investment for Energy Transition Platform

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Investor Information


HMC Capital Limited 

Business Establishment: 



The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)

20 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000

The securities are listed under ASX code: HMC

Board of directors:

  • David Di Pilla - Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
  • Chris Saxon - Chair
  • Zac Fried - Non-Executive Director
  • Greg Hayes - Non-Executive Director
  • Brendon Gale - Non-Executive Director
  • Susan Roberts - Non-Executive Director
  • Kelly O’Dwyer - Non-Executive Director




Share Registry:

Link Market Services
Level 12, 680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: 8280 7100 (within Australia)
+61 2 8280 7100 (outside Australia)

Company Secretary:

Andrew Selim - Group General Counsel and Company Secretary



KPMG Australia Pty Limited
Level 38, Tower 3, International Towers Sydney
300 Barangaroo Avenue
Sydney NSW 2000

Media Enquiries:

John Frey
P: 0411 361 361

Registered Office

Level 7, 1 Macquarie Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: 1300 466 326

HMC's share register is maintained by Link Market Services Limited. By visiting the Link Investor Centre, shareholders can:

  • View their holding details
  • Register to receive Annual Reports electronically
  • Access and update information held by our Share Registry
  • View information relating to dividend and transaction history
  • Provide their Tax File Number or ABN
  • Download forms, change address details, update communication preferences and add or amend direct credit details.
  • Vote online for shareholder meetings at:

When you visit the Link Investor Centre, you will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) to verify your identity. Your SRN/HIN is available on your holding/transaction and distribution statements.

For all other questions, please contact the Registry:

Link Market Services
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
P: +61 1300 554 474 (toll free within Australia)
F: +61 2 9287 0303


Visit the Link Investor Centre to view information relating to dividend history and refer to below for specific transactions impacting HMC Capital security holders.

Australian capital gains tax considerations

Prior to 25 December 2021, a HMC stapled security comprises two separate assets for capital gains tax purposes, being a share in Home Consortium Limited (HCL) and a share in Home Consortium Developments Limited (HCDL). For capital gains tax purposes you need to apportion the cost of each stapled security and the proceeds on sale of each stapled security over the separate assets that make up the stapled security. This apportionment should be done on a reasonable basis.

One possible method of apportionment is on the basis of the relative Net Tangible Assets of the individual entities.

Date Home Consortium Ltd Home Consortium Developments Ltd HomeCo Group Total
31-Dec-19 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%
30-Jun-20 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%
31-Dec-20 99.94% 0.06% 100.00%
30-Jun-21 99.63% 0.37% 100.00%

On 24 December 2021, Home Consortium (HomeCo) undertook a restructure from a stapled company structure (comprising Home Consortium Limited (HCL) and Home Consortium Developments Limited (HCDL)) to a single company structure, resulting in HCL becoming the sole parent company of the HomeCo group (the Restructure). Refer to HMC Restructure Tax Guide document below. 

HMC Restructure Tax Guide

ATO Class Ruling 2022-89

Capital distribution of units in HomeCo Daily Needs REIT

Tax information guide for Australian resident HMC Capital security holders, refer to the PDF attached below. 

HMC Capital Reduction Tax Guide

ATO Class Ruling 2021-2

Aventus Holdings Limited

On 4 March 2022, Home Consortium (HomeCo) underwent a merger with Aventus Group (Aventus) by way of two schemes of arrangement (the Merger). Refer to the guide below for tax implications.

Aventus Merger Tax Guide - AHL Shares

Company Analyst
Macquarie David Pobucky
JP Morgan Richard Jones
Jarden Lou Pirenc
Morgans Fiona Buchanan
Jefferies Sholto Macanochie
UBS Grant McCasker
Barrenjoey Ben Brayshaw
Morgan Stanley Simon Chan
CLSA James Druce

HMC Capital Limited is followed by the analysts listed above. This is not a complete list of every analyst that follows the company’s securities. Only those analysts that have provided their consent to have their details disclosed on this page are listed above. Any opinions, forecasts and estimates regarding HMC’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and are made independently of HMC. They do not represent opinions, forecasts, estimates or predictions of HMC Capital or its management. HMC Capital does not by its reference to the analyst details above imply its endorsement of or agreement with any information, conclusion or recommendations made by an analyst. HMC Capital does not provide any assurance that information stated in any analyst report is correct.

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HMC Capital takes all complaints seriously. Every complaint will be:

  1. acknowledged quickly;
  2. investigated objectively and impartially and will be considered on their merits considering the individual circumstances and needs of the complainant;

Following investigation, we will:

  1. notify the complainant of our findings and any actions we have taken or plan to take regarding the complaint;
  2. amend our business practices or policies, where appropriate; and
  3. record the complaint for audit and continuous improvement opportunities.

We aim to resolve your complaint in a timely and efficient manner. Where required in accordance with our internal procedures, we will provide a written response to you within 30 days of your complaint being received. If we resolve your complaint within 5 business days of receipt, we will generally not provide you with a written response unless you ask for one. If your complaint is particularly complex, or there are relevant circumstances outside our control, we will provide you with a delay notification within 30 days of your complaint being received. This delay notice will set out our reasons for the delay in providing a written response and your right to escalate the complaint to Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

If you wish to make a complaint, please email Please let us know if you require assistance to make a complaint, including by another means, in another language or if you required a printed version of this document.

If your complaint relates to an investment product or service and has not been resolved within 30 days, or you are not satisfied with the process followed, you may seek assistance from AFCA.

AFCA is a free and independent dispute resolution service that considers complaints about financial service providers and their affiliates operating in Australia. AFCA can investigate disputes that fall within their Terms of Reference and make decisions that are binding on the financial services provider. Contact details for AFCA are:

GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001 (Australia)

1800 931 678

Registered Office

Level 7, 1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
P: 1300 466 326

Investor Relations

Misha Mohl
Head of Strategy and Investor Relations
P: 1300 466 326

Share Registry

For more information about your HMC Capital  security holding please contact:

Link Market Services
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
P: +61 1300 554 474 (toll free within Australia)
F: +61 2 9287 0303

When you visit the Link investor centre, you will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) to verify your identity. Your SRN/HIN is available on your holding/transaction and distribution statements.